Today’s Lunch: Pizza, Side Salad, Fruit and Milk
Tomorrow’s Breakfast: Cherry Frudel or Cereal/Cheese Stick, Fruit, Juice, and  Milk
Tomorrow’s Lunch: Tenderloin on Bun, Corn, Fruit, and Milk

Attention all Juniors and Seniors:

The Junior Class is asking all Juniors and Seniors that are interested in attending Prom this year to please sign up in the office.  This sign up gives the committee an idea of numbers for party favors, food, seating, etc.  There will be tickets being sold at the beginning of April but this list gives the committee an estimated number.  You don’t have to know who you are bringing at this point but please indicate IF you may be bringing someone to the event.  This pre-sign up will close on Friday, February 28th.  

There is also a pre-sign up for After Prom. The committee would like to get an idea of how many will be attending to know get an idea of  how many t-shirts, prizes, and food to order.

There will be practice for the Meats CDE in the Ag Room during Study Hall today.

Any athlete that needs a ride to or from practice on the practice bus must sign up in the office by 1:00 each day.The practice bus will leave Warsaw at 3:00.

The accuplacer test has been moved to Monday, February 24th during 2A. If you are planning to take dual credit classes next year, you must complete your  Carl Sandburg application by Friday to register for the accuplacer test on Monday. This is a requirement for any new student enrolling in dual enrollment classes. If you have any questions, please stop by the guidance office.

A representative from Western Illinois University will be here on Wednesday, February 26th during study hall to answer any questions you may have about WIU! Sign up sheet will be available in the guidance office or you can sign up online with the link listed on google classroom.

Official Baseball Sign-Ups are in the office. Please sign up today. Practice will begin on Monday, March 3rd and a parent meeting will be held on Friday, March 7th (more details to follow).

The Hancock County Essay for the $500 prize is due to Mr. Lock today.

Remember that the doors at the high school open at 8:10. If you drive or get a ride to school, please plan on getting here at 8:10 or after. Students coming in to meet with a teacher or riding a bus will be allowed in prior to 8:10. If you are not meeting with a teacher you need to stay in the gym or cafeteria until the bell rings at 8:10.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

6:00 p.m. Varsity Boys Basketball Regionals vs Buffalo Tri-City or Athens at   

                  Pleasant Plains; bus:  Warsaw – 2:45 p.m., Hamilton – 3:00 p.m.